Loan Rates

Loan Rates

Loan Rates

  • Type Term APR* as low as
    New/Used Automobile
    Up to 48 Months
    Up to 60 Months
    Up to 72 Months
    Up to 84 Months

  • Type Term APR* as low as
    Signature Loans Up to 60 Months 10.99%
    Shared Secured (100%) Up to 60 Months 1.50% above dividend rate
    Certificate Secured Up to the term of the Share Certificate 3% greater than the face rate of the Term Share Certificate/dividend rate
    Checking Line of Credit Overdraft Revolving 8.50%
    Up to 12 Months
    Up to 24 Months
    28.00% (+$20.00 application fee)
  • Type Term APR* as low as
    1st Lien Home Equity 120-180 Months 7.12%
    181-240 Months 7.87%
    2nd Lien Home Equity 120-180 Months 7.99%
    181-240 Months 8.99%
  • Type APR*
    Classic 15.99%
    Gold 12.99%
    Secured 10.99%

Rates are current as of January 14, 2025, unless otherwise noted and are subject to change.

*APR= Annual Percentage Rate. Loan rates shown depend on your credit history and term of loan. Not all members will qualify for the rates shown. Credit subject to approval. Other restrictions may apply. Home Improvement and Home Equity Loans available for Texas property only. We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. For Home Equity loans, the interest on the portion of the credit extension that is greater than the fair market value of the dwelling is not tax deductible for Federal income tax purposes. You should consult a tax adviser for further information regarding the deductibility of interest and charges.

**Visa Credit Card rates based on your creditworthiness. Credit is subject to approval. Membership is required.

***Rates may vary based on year of model.